Happy 2016! I hope your New Year is off to a wonderful start! We had Snowmaggedon already. Which was thrilling.
Everyone’s doing top 10 lists. So why not me? For fun, my team and I found out what the top 10 most-shared posts were and in case you missed them here they are:
NUMBER 10 — from a child’s mouth.
I always trust the idea that comes from a child and I found this one on 76th and Amsterdam, in NYC… Read the Blog: from a child’s mouth.
NUMBER 9 — why “how was your day” is the wrong question for your child
“If we don’t want throw away answers, we can’t ask throw away questions. A caring question is a key that will unlock a room inside the person you love…
And so now when our kids get home from school, we don’t say: “How was your day?” Because they don’t know. Their day was lots of things.”
Ah, that infamous “how was your day?” question… read the Article:
Save Your Relationships by Momastery’s Glennon Doyle Melton
NUMBER EIGHT — for a big {grin}
This is wonderful… a little girl telling Howard Stern like it is!
Howard Stern: “You know, I think Shirley Temple is living somewhere inside of you, is that possible? Because–”
Heavenly: “Well, not Shirley Temple– Jesus!”
NUMBER SEVEN — Trees, Thanksgiving, and our one job
A piece I wrote on gratefulness that was picked up by FOX NEWS!
NUMBER SIX — “you don’t have to eat it”
because dinnertime needn’t be about bargaining…
Six words that will end picky eating.
NUMBER FIVE — Story of God’s Love for You
I announced some exciting news…
It’s a children’s book but adults love it so much we created an edition specially for them!
Same text. A new title, a new design, a whole new audience: The Jesus Storybook Bible for adults. Available now!
The Story of God’s Love for You by Sally Lloyd-Jones
NUMBER FOUR — always & forever
We had brilliant artist Patrick Laurent letter this phrase from the Jesus Storybook Bible/The Story of God’s Love for You. It’s the refrain of the books– and why? Because it’s the refrain God tells us of his love for us.
A story I shared that’s almost too rich to believe…
A missing woman unwittingly joins search party looking for herself!
NUMBER TWO — Two questions to ask that might keep a whole lot of us from walking away from God and church

Because rules don’t change you.
But a Story—God’s Story—can.
now, last but not least, drum roll please…
NUMBER ONE — because apparently everyone knows someone who needs this tip
I am trying this and…. sorry, I fell asleep…
Here’s the science-backed trick to falling asleep in 60 seconds flat.

Two of my most popular posts elsewhere on the web in 2015…
How to Help Someone Who is Grieving
(A piece I wrote which was KeyLife’s top post of 2015!)
Happily Ever After?
(A guest blog I wrote for Proverbs 31 — The Story of God’s Love for You was their top devotion seller to date!)
Looking forward to an exciting 2016, with two new picture books coming out this spring!
God is so faithful. I am so blessed every time I sit down to read the Storybook Bible to my children. It’s something I look forward to with great anticipation and my kids just laugh and giggle and squirm all over the place with joy. How great is THAT? I just found the YouTube animated lessons and my kids and I will sit down and listen to several in a row as my seven-year-old daughter reads along in her Bible (btw – leather edition is so great for their little hands). JAGO did such great illustrations too – WOW! The Storybook Bible not only talks about the glory of God, it’s a definite proclamation of God’s glory in itself. Thank you for submitting to the Spirit and allowing the Lord to work through you both. He did an extraordinary job!
P.S. Your web address part wouldn’t let me post mine, so here it is in case you need it: http://www.lesliemontgomery.org