Have you noticed that when it’s cloudy you can’t see the stars? And that sometimes clouds can hide even mountains from you? (Or even skyscrapers?!)
For a moment it seems as if there are no stars shining, no mountains standing.
Have the mountains moved? Have the stars stopped shining? No. The clouds have just hidden them.
Feelings can be like clouds– they blow in and hide things from us. Sometimes they tell us God doesn’t care. Or that God is far away.
The writer Amy Carmichael said, “Our feelings do not affect God’s facts.”
Our feelings come and go. But God stays the same. His promises still are shining.
“God is greater than our feelings.” 1 JOHN 3:20 (NLT)
Excerpt from:
PS. Sharing this today because I recently had a personal experience where I was re-reminded of this truth. You can read about it in my next letter by signing up HERE.
Now here comes the sun– happy practically almost summer!