The Jesus Storybook Bible has been translated into more than 55 languages! The listing is now available on a new page, which is updated frequently: Click to access the current list. ___________________________________ Become an Insider Would you like to be among the first to learn about new translations as they become available? Become an Insider… Read more »
Posts Tagged: Jesus Storybook Bible
10 (or 20) great reading quotes plus 10 (or 20!) great family read-alouds

It’s summer! And you know what that means… summer reading! I’m not talking about the scary book report kind. I’m talking about reading aloud, just for fun. Because shhh… no one talks about this much but reading aloud is actually just as much for the grown ups as it is for the kids! In case… Read more »
for when you are facing giants

I’m excited to be guest blogger over at Ann Voskamp’s site today! I’m there wondering… Do you sometimes feel less like brave David, and more like the teeth-chattering-knees-knocking-terrified-scared-to-death people on the sidelines? Well… there is good news for you! Take a jaunt over to Ann’s farm and read my entire article HERE… Or, if you… Read more »
At the end of book release day for The Story of God’s Love For You, three happy things to report: 1. We were #1 release for Amazon in the teen category 2. We’ve got lots of pre-orders 3. I even spotted a real life one IN THE WILD today (At the afore-mentioned bookstore, I might… Read more »
crossing barriers and boundaries

It’s one thing to hold the book you wrote in your hands. It’s another to see it in the hands of a child you have never met at the opposite ends of earth. Over the years Ann Voskamp has shared my books with children all over the world. This photo is of a boy in… Read more »