The other day my friend, Melanie Penn, and I took a road trip out of the city.
We imagined an amazing day filled with beauty. We ended up in a twilight zone filled with ginormous scary sculptures.
We were visiting the Ground for Sculpture. It was fascinating. For about 2 minutes. And then we were bored.
So, by mistake, we accidentally didn’t notice how we snuck in past the “Do Not Enter” sign into the secret sculpture grave yard.
We found gigantic legs and arms lying around, plus a giant Marilyn (just her head). Her body was lying separately on a trailer.
Sculptures all being resuscitated. It was all at once supremely creepy and fabulous.
And it made our whole day. I mean, we’re still talking about it. And blogging about it. Our wierd wonderful creepy day. (Caution: this may not be the last you hear of this adventure.)
Instagram of the Week happens every Friday! It involves me matching up one of my Instagram photos with a longer quote, funny post, or deeper thought or reflection or just plain silliness. If you’d like to follow me on Instagram for all sorts of random, artistic photos from my daily life, you can! Just by clicking here.