It’s one thing to hold the book you wrote in your hands.
It’s another to see it in the hands of a child you have never met at the opposite ends of earth.
Over the years Ann Voskamp has shared my books with children all over the world. This photo is of a boy in Haiti. Ann reached through a fence to give him my book. He is holding The Jesus Storybook Bible in Haitian-Creole.
How great is that? To have written a book you can’t read.
Across the globe, behind a fence–reaching someone I have never met in a language I can’t speak.
Which reminds me–it’s God’s work. Not ours. We get to be in on what he is already doing–coming to each of us where we are, with a love that crosses all boundaries and barriers.
And absolutely nothing beats this for me as a writer: that moment when you realize your book isn’t yours.
It’s theirs.
Thank you God for the honor of being part of your work. Thank you for this boy and his smile. Thank you for your love that reaches through fences.
I’m over at Ann’s blog again today, sharing a little more about why I wrote The Jesus Storybook Bible and also the power of story. {Click here to read on…}