Posts Categorized: Childrens Book

holy ground

“Pilgrims often journey to the ends of the earth in search of holy ground, only to find that they have never walked on anything else.” Scott Russell Sanders “We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive where we started And know the place for the first… Read more »

libraries forever

E B White wrote this wonderful letter to a child explaining why libraries are important. Isn’t that great? Here are 10 other writers on libraries… Starting with my very favorite: “People can lose their lives in libraries. They ought to be warned.” Saul Bellow “Without libraries we have no past and no future.” Ray Bradbury… Read more »

The light of the world

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.” Isaiah 9:2 #‎advent

my child could do that

A few months ago, I visited MOMA on an unofficial tour led by my friend Dan Siedell (author and Presidential Scholar and Art Historian in Residence at The King’s College, NYC). It was great. He took us to floor 5 where we looked at Cezanne, Matisse and Van Gogh. Then down to floor 4 where… Read more »

From the heart, to the heart

It took Beethoven over four years to write The Missa Solemnis (1819-1823). It is a masterpiece. “He pretty much prevented anyone writing a mass again!” the renowned conductor, Sir Colin Davis once said. Beethoven dedicated The Missa Solemnis to Archduke Rudolph of Austria. Over the score, Beethoven wrote these words: “Von Herzen—Möge es wieder—Zu Herzen… Read more »

Coloring Poor Doreen

Have you ever seen a fish carrying an umbrella? How about a fish wearing a headscarf? Poor Doreen wasn’t even supposed to be in my book. She just arrived without me inviting her. And took over. (I got the idea for the book when I was out running.) The book I wanted to write was… Read more »

10 Books for Children age 6 to 106 (Pt. 1)

What are your favorite children’s books? People ask me that a lot. It’s a hard question to answer because where do you begin? The best children’s book are, of course, the ones which are nothing of the sort. They are those books which can be enjoyed by a child of any age, from 6 to… Read more »

Instagram of the Week: The Thing About Zebras…

The thing about zebras is that they’re very fun to ride. Especially if you’re little, and British, and a girl, and living in Uganda, like me. People don’t expect me to say I was born in Africa of course. Not with this thick British accent of mine. One of my most favorite things to do… Read more »

Maya Angelou reads “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me”

It was so sad to hear that Maya Angelou’s had died last week. Like so many others around the world, I was touched by the words she wrote and spoke. And by the woman she was. And her spirit and sheer joy of life. I discovered this wonderful recording of Angelou reading one of her… Read more »

Jack with Children – Douglas Gresham Interview (Pt. 2)

I love this 8-part interview with C.S. Lewis’ stepson, Douglas Gresham. As you may already know, over the next several weeks I’ll be sharing some brief thoughts on each part of the interview, and I invite you to share your own as well in the comments below. Here’s part two: In part two, Douglas discusses the contrast… Read more »