Posts Categorized: Childrens Book

For Father’s Day…

One of the most beautiful titles God ever gives himself—along with Defender of Widows—is Father to the Fatherless. Isn’t that wonderful? And he loves us not because we do it right. Not because we do anything. He loves us just because he loves us. It’s the best news for each of us this Father’s Day…. Read more »

Thoughts for today: Still shining

CLOUDS AND MOUNTAINS AND STARS Have you noticed that when it’s cloudy you can’t see the stars? And that sometimes clouds can hide even mountains from you? (Or even skyscrapers?!) For a moment it seems as if there are no stars shining, no mountains standing. Have the mountains moved? Have the stars stopped shining? No…. Read more »

The one thing every mom needs

The one thing every mom needs (we all do actually.) Our culture tells us there is so much we need. So much more we have to have, so much we have to be. We need this car. That watch. Their couch. The perfect school. That latest gadget. To eat perfectly clean healthy food. To maximize… Read more »

Picture books for welcoming a new baby

You might not know this but I am a big sister. When I was about two—long ago, back in the time of caves, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and parents left children in cars—my little newborn baby sister and I were left in the back of our car while our parents popped out—just a second…. Read more »

Thoughts for Today: LOVE

LOVE What is love? Is it a feeling in your heart? The Bible says Love is much more: it is patient and kind, never bears a grudge, doesn’t demand its own way, always wants the best for someone else, never puts itself first, never gets jealous, isn’t proud, doesn’t boast, isn’t rude, always hopes, never… Read more »

Beauty hiding in plain sight

I was walking in Central Park when I was stopped by this tree. It was only tiny—totally dwarfed by the great elms. But it was caught by the sun—as if in a spotlight—and transformed into a blazing bush. Moses was minding his own business when something caught his eye—a bush was behaving oddly… he came… Read more »

Thankful for the trees, those great incandescent angels of light

As a Brit first coming to the United States, I couldn’t believe that a whole holiday could be centered around being grateful. It struck me as so beautiful. It still does. Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. What are you grateful for? Have you started a list? I’m a big list maker. (I’ve even been… Read more »

Free potty training tips & tools

Potty training can be tough, but we’ve got free printable potty training tools for you (a potty chart, a song sheet, a coloring page…keep scrolling!) But first–the reviews are in on SKIP TO THE LOO! Here is what some of our reviewers are saying… (well the first one isn’t saying much she’s laughing too hard)… Read more »

the lesser-known superpower of children (thoughts for your Easter weekend)

Every story whispers his name

Have you noticed the super powers small children wield? One morning, I was riding the NYC subway when the doors opened and into the car walked a little child. She was maybe 2. Instantly, all of us—these defended New Yorkers, all avoiding eye contact, all guarding our space—were transformed. We smiled at her. At her… Read more »