“Song of the Stars”

“And high above a single star set in the highest heavens shone out brighter than all the others and poured down silver onto the little shed… ‘A Light to light up the whole world.’” Song of the Stars When Zondervan asked me to write a Christmas picture book, my first thought was (I’ll be honest)… Read more »

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Advent: How Long, Lord?

“How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, … but you do not save?” Habakkuk 1:2, “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil…” Habakkuk 1:13 Fighting, suffering, sickness, tears—all the things God hates most—are everywhere in our world. They’re in our own hearts,… Read more »

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You Can’t Ever Tell

You can’t ever be sure what’s the thing that will last… it seems you only know what is really good with time. Just look at the books everyone was raving about 100 years ago and you probably won’t even recognize any of the titles. And what about Lincoln and his most famous speech of all… Read more »

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The Good Doctor

People often ask me, “Are you related to THE Lloyd-Jones?” To which, of course, I respond … “But I AM the Lloyd-Jones.” Of course, what they’re really asking is: “Are you related to THE Doctor David Martyn Lloyd-Jones?” Dr David Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) is the rock star of theologians, writers, thinkers. (Seen here wondrously on… Read more »

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Now it’s high time for some Limericks. Limericks? you say. Limericks are sometimes looked down on. Why? Some of the reasons given are: 1/they’re simple 2/they’re short 3/they only have 5 lines 4/they’re not very hard to write (Come to think of it, isn’t that pretty much what some people think of children’s picture books?… Read more »

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Teach children that the Bible is not about them

When I’m invited to go and speak to children in church settings, I ask them two questions: 1/How many people here sometimes think you have to be good for God to love you? (They tentatively raise their hands. I raise my hand along with them.) 2/How many people here sometimes think that if you aren’t… Read more »

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