You might not know this but I am a big sister. When I was about two—long ago, back in the time of caves, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and parents left children in cars—my little newborn baby sister and I were left in the back of our car while our parents popped out—just a second.
When my parents left, I was sitting on the back seat and my baby sister was in a bassinet beside me. When they came back, I was in the bassinet and my sister was on the floor.
So, of course, it was only a matter of time before I took further revenge on my three little sisters… and wrote about this. In fact I’ve written twice about it. (Clearly it was traumatic!) First I wrote a shocking exposé, and the newest one is a fairytale–
Because after all, adjusting to life with a whole new person in the home can be a time of many emotions– for everyone! And as always– books to the rescue! Here are ten great titles (including a few of mine–it’s my blog, isn’t it!?) to add to the library when welcoming a new baby to the family:
The New Baby, by Mercer Mayer
Mercer Mayer’s Little Critter series is a must for every family with little ones, wouldn’t you agree? As always, Little Critter brings a child’s perspective to the situation at hand– in this case: what CAN a new baby DO?

Best-Ever Big Sister, by Karen Katz
Karen Katz’s super cute babies and simple themes are another favorite of the littlest ones and for good reason. Adorable and relatable and also, importantly, durable!

Baby Dear, by Eloise and Esther Wilkin
Did you read this classic as a child? A precious (and rare apparently!) gem that the mini mamas will read over and over and over.

Snuggle the Baby, by Sara Gillingham
This super cute interactive board book teaches real life newborn care and encourages empathy and nurturing.

The Berenstain Bears’ New Baby
Kids aged 2-8 just love the Berenstain Bears! Parents may find the books a bit long after repeat reads, but for the children that may be part of the appeal.

The New Baby, by Fred Rogers
Mister Fred Rogers had a magical way of respectfully and directly explaining things to young children that some other grown ups may take for granted. “When your mom has a baby, that baby is a new person in your family…”

His Royal Highness, King Baby by Sally Lloyd-Jones and David Roberts
The new king is upsetting the Royal Princess’s happy kingdom! This story uses humor to open up lighthearted conversations about how family life is changing, and David’s illustrations bring a depth of perspective that makes the book fun to pore over again and again. How will the Princess save the day in the end?

How to be a Baby, By Me, the Big Sister (and Sally Lloyd-Jones and Sue Heap)
This New York Times bestseller will get the whole family chuckling and help older siblings appreciate all the ways they are oh so much more mature now than they were in the baby days. Another one where the text and illustrations make each other richer, this book is a favorite of many!

Outside Over There by Maurice Sendak
Well this is just classic Sendak which makes it everything a picture book should be. The dreamlike and rather spooky story and art make space for some of the uncomfortable feelings that come with making room for a new baby– despondency and resentment name two. You will be perplexed but your kids will love it and ask for many repeat reads.

The Big Sibling Book: Baby’s First Year According to ME, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal
Another interactive book, this one for the older kids. I haven’t checked the whole thing out, but it looks fun!

Found: Psalm 23 by Sally Lloyd-Jones and Jago
A book of love and reassurance to read to teeny tiny newborns and suddenly giant-seeming toddlers– the perfect new baby shower gift.

A bonus pick for the parents (of now two!)
Siblings Without Rivalry by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
This book, the follow up to How to Talk So Your Kids Will Listen and Listen So Your Kids Will Talk, is a focus study on fostering sibling relationships. Here are some hints: listening, not comparing, and helping kids express their feelings. A must read!

I could go on and on but I’ll stop for now. Happy reading to you and all of your little loves!